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We believe you can’t out-give God, so when you’re trusting Him with your tithes and offerings we know that He will bless the rest.
(Proverbs 3:9-10 and Malachi 3:10-12)
This is the most convenient and efficient way for us to process any giving we receive. Set it up with your bank (either in writing or via your online or telephone banking facility):
Payable to: BCC – The Church;
Account Number: 10122567;
Sort Code: 16-14-29
Use our secure online giving page to set up a one-off or recurring online gift. You can select which fund to pay into (e.g. Tithes, or special giving appeals) and you can also gift aid these payments (see gift aid declaration below if you have never completed a BCC Gift Aid declaration before.):
We can set up a standing order for you. Download, complete and sign the form below and return it to us. We can then send it to your bank for you.
Envelopes for cash gifts or cheques are available on Sunday's - please request one from a Welcome Team member. These can be posted into the Post Box in the foyer.
To give via text message, text
“BCCGIVE” and the amount you want to give to 70085. e.g. BCCGIVE 10 to give £10, or BCCGIVE 20 to give £20
Texts are charged at your standard network rate.

Gift Aid
Gift Aid is an arrangement that allows charities (including churches) to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer. This means every donation will be worth 25% more, at no extra cost to the giver. For example, with Gift Aid BCC as a charity can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated, which makes a huge difference. If you would like to Gift Aid your giving, please complete the form below. You only need to complete the Gift aid form once, if you have already done so, we should have a copy on record. If you have never completed a Gift Aid form for BCC, please use the form below. Once completed, this will allow BCC to continue to collect Gift Aid on all future donations unless you notify us in writing (you do not have to complete the form each time).
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