'Pursuing Our Capacity...'
Preach Slides
Week 1
Pastor Mark starts a new series for 2024 - "Pursuing Our Capacity"
What is God Given Capacity?
Week 4
Dr Grace challenges us to consider if our Desires are Accountable to God.
Week 7
Deborah's message "Pursing our Capacity - Intentional Preperation" reminds us that God has a plan and purpose for each one of us.
Week 10
Catch up with Ps Brian's message - "Pursiung our Capacity - Sacrificial Living".
Special Easter Sunday Message.
Resurrection - The Centre of Everything!
Week 15
We are all vulnerable to having blind spots in our lives. Ps Mark explains how scripture can help us to guard against them.
Week 18
Catch-up on Ps Mark's message "hearing God" - containing some great reflections as we start another week of prayer and fasting.
Week 21
Ps Mark's message "Understanding Holiness" - encourages us to see Holiness as a call to God's Righteousness, not to Self-Righteousness.
Week 24
Deborah encourages us with a message on "Endurance". Endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
Week 27
On the day we celebrate our annual International Feast, Ps Mark reminds us celebrate and embrace our differences. As Rev 7:9 says: I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb
Week 30
Dr Grace's message "Empower" reminds us the source of our power is God and that through Him we can do all things.

Week 33
Our guest speaker Pastor Abraham shares his experience of growing into his own capacity through 50 years in ministry.
Week 36
Dr Grace warns us about the Dangers of distraction and encourages us to learn from Jesus example - utilising Determination, Devotion, Discernment, Discipline and Direction to help us guard against it.
Week 39
Ps Mark brings a timely message encouraging us that "Our Voice Matters".
Week 42
Dr Grace's reminds us that we can trust that God always keeps His promises. As Numbers 23 says: God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever
promised and not carried it through?
Week 45
Ps Brian explores the paradox of God working through poeple who are weak. What is more, scripture tells us that God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.
Week 48
There is a line in the Christmas Carol, Joy to the World, that reads: "He comes to make his blessings flow" - and Deborah unpacks what it means to live under God's blessing.
Week 2
Pastor Mark continues the "Pursuing Our Capacity" series with a message entitled - What Am I Prioritising?
Week 5
Pastor Mark explains that we are all influencers and challenges us to be "Ready to Influence" as Salt & Light people.
Week 8
Pastor Mark explains that Courage is a door into God’s Promises in his message "Pursing our Capacity - Living Courageously"
Week 11
With reported levels of stress and anxiety at record levels, Ps Mark encourages us to look to God (rather than our own strength) to lift us. "Pursiung our Capacity - Lifted".
Week 13
Catch up with Ps Brian's message - "Pursiung our Capacity - Risk".
Week 16
Sofi reminds us that it’s not about using our capacity to do something in our own strength. It’s about using our capacity to believe the word of God and obey His instruction.
Week 19
In her message "Grounded in Truth", Deborah explained that to be grounded in the truth means to know the truth, speak the truth and act on the truth.
Week 22
Dr Grace explains that an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and a heart of obedience unto God in all situations sums up the definition of a life in constant worship of the true God.
Week 25
Dr Grace leads us in to another week of Prayer & Fasting with an encouraging message about "Praying with Intention".
Week 28
Deborah challenges us with the question: What does God want to change in me, so that what He wants done on earth is done?
Week 3
As we start a week of Prayer & Fasting, Brian continues the "Pursuing Our Capacity" series with a message entitled - Why my prayer matters
Week 6
Ps Brian reminds us of the authority we carry as son's of God, because of what Jesus has done for us. "Pursuing Our Capacity - Carrying Authority".
Week 9
Dr Grace's reminds us that True authenticity is achieved in True Followership. We are more real when we are Christ-like. This is the Real deal; Let Christ Increase as Self Decreases.
Week 12
Deborah reminds us that God cannot live up to our expectations, we have to live up to His. "Pursuing Our Capacity - What Drives Our Expectations?"
Week 14
Dr Grace gently reminds us that . ‘Kairos’ over-rules ‘Chronos’. Catch-up with her message - "Pursuing our Capacity - Devine Interruptions".
Week 17
Dr Grace reminds us that Rom 12 says: "let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" - that is the starting point for a Kingdom Mentality.
Week 20
Ps Brian explores how pursuing a close relationship with God is the key to seeing the miraculous in our lives.
Week 23
On Father's Day, Ps Mark explains the importance of Knowing the Father Heart of God. And for earthly fathers to use that as a pattern for their own lives.
Week 26
In order to live resilient lives, Brian challenges us to ask ourselves if we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves and submit ourselves to God's purposes not our own.
Week 29
Brian's message this week reminds us that the source of of Joy is in knowing and staying close to our heavenly father.
Week 31
Ps Mark reflects on the importance of Hope in our lives. Romans 15 says that God is the true source of our Hope and when we put our hope in Him, He returns in with added joy, peace, faith and endurance.
Week 34
Ps Mark explores how pressures can become burdens, but that times of suffering always change us, as God makes a way for us and provides the victory in Christ.
Week 37
Deborah encourages us to pursue Biblical wisdom, providing practical examples of how we aquire wisodm from the book of Proverbs.
Week 40
Dr Grace tells us that a content person is free from the sins of comparison, competition, and jealousy. Deep-rooted satisfaction comes by knowing whose we are, who we are, what we have, and where we are going.
Week 43
When we think of "little" faith, we usually imagine it means small. But Deborah explains that it actually means "brief". So to exercise our faith means we should persist and keeping trusting in God to answer.
Week 46
Ps Mark explores why good friendships are significant. Proverbs 27:17 tells us that "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend"
Week 49
Dr Grace unpacks a line from "Hark the Herald" - "light and life to all He brings" - to encourage us to live as people of Light.
Week 32
Brian's message challenges us to have a biblical perspective on world events. And for us to always have a confident hope in Jesus return.
Week 35
Brian's message explores what it means to carry responsibility from a biblical perspective.
Week 38
Luke digs into one of his favourite verses: Philippians 2:3-4 - and gives some very practical advice to help us count others more significant.
Week 41
Brian explains how the feast of Tabernacles was there to remind the people of the importance of the presence of God. The place where we meet with Him. We can't experience the fullness of God without His presence.
Week 44
On Remembrance Sunday, Ps Mark reminds us that Love embraces Sacrifice. This is personified in Christ who, as Ephesians 5:2 tells us, "loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us"
Week 47
As we enter the Advent season, the team are digging into the many truths that we find in the words of some of our favourite Christmas Carols. Brian starts with "Oh come all ye faithfull".
Week 50
Ps Mark explores the line "sing, all ye citizens of heav'n above!" from the Carol "Oh Come All Ye Faithful", to encourage us to reset our sights on what is truly important.
Week 51
We finish our Pursing our Capacity series with a message on living as people as Peace.