What is Won by One?
Jesus last command to us was to go and make disciples. Won by One is our challenge to everyone in BCC to take personal responsibility for sharing the good news of Jesus and God’s Kingdom – one person at a time. We encourage you to be intentional about who you are praying for and who you are sharing your life with, so that you begin to own our disciple making mission.
How to Pray for your Friends. Ask God...
To open their spiritual eyes (2 Corinthians 4:4)
To give them ears to hear (Matthew 13:15)
To give them faith to believe (Acts 20:21)
To give them the will to respond (Romans 10:9)
For ways to build caring relationships (1Corinthians 9:22)
For opportunities to witness (Colossians 4:3)
For boldness to witness (Acts 4:29)
For an opportunity to invite them (Luke 14:23)
To set them free from spiritual captivity (2 Timothy 2:25-26)
Take on the challenge!
Download our Won by One card and write down the names of
5 people whom you will commit to pray for and also intentionally
make time to walk with them on their journey toward faith.
Print it, stick it on your fridge, or in your bible and PRAY!